Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to all our services.

Our software may send diagnostic data to third-party analysis providers to identify connection errors and possible errors in our applications, so as to provide our users with the best experience. The collected information does not contain personally identifiable information.

We do not collect, record, store, or share any identifiable personal information of users. We can collect the connection time of our service and the total amount of data transmitted every day. We store this feature so that we can provide you with the best network experience.

Your surfing is private and safe. When you disconnect from the main server, security cannot be guaranteed. All consequences are borne by you. Please note that we can help you protect the security of your internet session and will not protect your device from malware, Trojan horses or viruses. We recommend that you use an anti-virus solution to protect your device.

We use third parties ("third parties") for advertising. Third parties can use technology to access some data, including but not limited to cookies, to evaluate the effectiveness of their advertisements. The activities of third parties are not under our control. This is not included in our privacy policy, but is related to the privacy policies of our third-party advertisers. We are not the publisher of third-party content accessed through this service, and do not have any opinions, suggestions, statements, messages, services, graphics, data, or the content, accuracy, and timeliness of any other information provided by third parties or accessed through this service Or responsible for delivery. Third-party content is not under our control, and we are not responsible for any damage or loss caused or allegedly caused by using or relying on any third party. The inclusion of any links to third-party content is provided for your convenience only and does not mean that we endorse or recommend any third-party resources or content.

Our users understand that we can make changes to this privacy policy at any time at our own discretion, and you agree to be bound by any and all modifications, changes and/or amendments. You understand that you are obliged to review this webpage regularly to explain any changes made, as these changes will be binding upon consent.

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